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More Decorated Undergrads Share Path to Success at NJIT
Isaiah Rejouis
NJIT Research Linking Laboratories to Lives Magazine
Ricky Hernandez (pg. 43)
McNair GS-LSAMP Scholars presented at the 15th Annual GS-LSAMP/NNJ-B2B STEM Research Conference on Friday, October 13, 2023
Faith Adams (Top Left)
Isaiah Rejouis (Top Right)
Juan Ramirez (Bottom Left)
Chelsea Garcia (Bottom Right)
NJIT Students Continue Accumulation of Prestigious Fellowships
NJIT Scholar Will Develop Software While Pursuing a Master's in Cybersecurity
With Encouragement, NJIT Honors Scholar Pursues a Master's at NYU
Chemical Engineering Star Jason Ogbebor's Journey from NJIT to MIT
At NJIT, McNair Scholars Advance Research as Their Futures Unfold
2023 McNair Student Members of the National Academy of Inventors (NAI) Chapter at NJIT Student Innovation and Inventor Club
Intern on Johns Hopkins APL’s Dragonfly Mission Shoots for The Moon
From NJIT to NASA, Roberto Saenz Wants to Inspire Future Generations with His Story
From Disease Detection to Criminal Forensics, Student Inventions Energize NJIT's Summer Campus
Goldwater Scholarship Lights Undergrad's Research Path, from Tissue Engineering to Oral Biology
Undergraduate Research and Innovation on Display at NJIT Symposium
Student Wins Scholarship for Helping Reduce Electron Leakage in Blue LED
From Congo to Columbia, Engineering Grad Perseveres for Her PhD
NJIT Student-Research Back in the Spotlight at 2021 Dana Knox Showcase
McNair Students, Unfazed by Disadvantages or COVID, Target Graduate Study